Birs-Dip 2021

It has been over a year now that I have started with the Birs-Dip and many people have joined me for a couple of minutes every other Saturday morning at 9AM. One of the most consistant, joining me almost every Saturday is my good friend Andi Schlumpf.

After the Birs-Dip is before the Birs-Dip 🥶 Me and Andi at the river.

Since we’re having a really nice and cold winter this year, we also get to have snow next to the river which enhances the feel of coldness, even in a warmer city like Basel, away from the Swiss mountains.

Birs-Dip on a cold winter day, February 2021.

Also a multiple Birs-Dipper is Jessica Zehringer, she’s a Yoga teacher from the area. She’s the third person in the video #butfirstletmetakeaselfie 😆

If you would like to join me / us, just drop in, it’s free, it only takes guts and the will to overpower your thoughts that constantly tell you not to go into the cold. But if you have surpassed the magic minute in the cold water, it gets better.

For directions, check out the map below:

See you soon! 🖖

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